Sindh Solar Energy Project

The development objective of Sindh Solar Energy Project for Pakistan, aims to increase solar power generation and access to electricity in Sindh Province.

This project has four components.

1) The first component, Utility-Scale Solar, aims for identification and development of a series of publicly owned solar parks, and support for the competitive selection of private sector developers through solar auction for the construction of solar power plants in the solar parks.

2) The second component, Distributed Solar, aims for procurement and installation of solar PV systems and associated energy management systems on rooftops and other available space on and around public sector buildings.

3) The third component, Solar Home Systems, aims for deployment of affordable SHSs in prioritized areas with low or no access to electricity, analysis and identification of priority areas, activities to enhance consumer awareness and financial literacy, product certification and quality control, and Monitoring and evaluation (M and E) activities.

4) The fourth component, Capacity Building and Technical Assistance, aims to support the design and implementation of the project and compliance with fiduciary, gender, M and E, procurement, and safeguards requirements.